


Float to the Bottom

A sound journey: escape from a burning office building into the peaceful grip of asphyxia.

The devil doesn't buy individual souls anymore. Now, he buys pieces of souls. Soul-backed securities, diversified bundles of souls. It's less risky, you know?

In this piece, you can't take it anymore. And you start the fire. I highly suggest wearing headphones when listening; it will help you imagine the scenery. Hear the complete, 5-minute audio online here.

Sounds in this piece come from the Freesound Project and Magnatune.com. The robotic voice is from AT&T Labs text-to speech online.

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Facebook vs. the RIAA

When the record companies sent Jared an email asking for three thousand dollars for music he'd downloaded online, he was dumbstruck. He didn’t have that kind of money. And he definitely didn't have time to go to court.

Someone suggested I start selling illegal pirated music and movies. Pornography. They’re like 'well they’ve accused you of doing it so why don’t you do it?' I was like, uh, maybe.

He actually ended up using facebook to ask people for money. And it worked. Big time. Which proves that social networking sites are good for more than just poking. Listen to the whole radio story to find out which songs they accused him of downloading, how he paid up, and how you can avoid his fate.

Click here for a list of lawyers defending against RIAA lawsuits.

Music and sound in this piece come from Magnatune.com and the FreeSound project.

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